MMS on Rogers iPhone 3.0

I finally got MMS going for iPhone OS 3.0 for Rogers in Canada. It’s an easy fix but was hard to find. It’s the same process as the fix for getting tethering to work.

  1. Make sure you have iPhone OS 3.0 installed.
  2. Download “Rogers_ca.ipcc” HERE.

On a Mac - It is a bit of a hassle to covert the file, especially if you don’t have access to a PC/VMWare fusion.)

For ease, you can DM me @nickwynja or click the email me link in the sidebar and I can send you the file so you don’t have to convert it.

On a PC - Download the above .zip and change the extension to .ipcc

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer via USB and in iTunes.
  2. Option-Click “Check for Update” and select the file you just downloaded.
  3. Once installed, restart you iPhone and tap Settings>Messages and turn on MMS Messaging.

And that should be it. I don’t have details on what/if Rogers will be charging for MMS under iPhone 3.0. I assume it will be the same as sending MMS messages under Swirly MMS. I don’t remember the cost, but was probably around 50c a message. I don’t believe that it will go under your existing data because it is Rogers, so if they can charge you they will.

Any questions, leave a comment, email me of tweet me @nickwynja.

[Thanks to those on the MacRumours forum for the help]